Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Let me introduce you to an amazing program / course that has changed my life in magical ways

This Angel dropped out of the sky one day and opened my eyes to a whole new world that I never imagined existed inside of me. I have been taking this Creative Goddess course through The Amazing Biz and Life Academy. It has really helped me explore a  new side of myself. I have spent my life wearing out the left side of my Brain on intellectual courses for my career and I am giving it a break for this moment while I exercise my right brain. The creative side. I am making artistic creations with paints, glitters, God's creations like sea shells and whatever my spirit calls me to pick up and add to what I call my surprise art. I never know what will come out of what I'm making. I just let my soul be my driver and I pour myself into it with my whole heart. It feels so good. Being an introvert can be painful sometimes because we tend to hold back so much inside by nature. This class has allowed me to express in art what I cannot speak in words. How therapeutic is that? I love it. Introverts are very complex beings in that nobody really ever understands us because we hold back so much. We are listeners which makes us very wise. People often think of us as weird or strange because we are of the minority and misunderstood. Because we don't talk much and are good listeners we can often appear unclever or socially awkward. While I will agree on the socially awkward part, we are far from unclever, but to the contrary very wise souls. If you are struggling with introversion and looking for a way to express yourself to your comfort level. I highly recommend you check out this course and click on the link below. Even if your not an introvert and you enjoy painting and creating you will absolutely love this amazing lady who teaches you how to find your souls purpose. Her name is Leonie Dawson and she is the most amazing genuine, goofy, silly and extremely funny hippie. And she is the amazing one and only Goddess Leonie and I love her spirit. Please check her out by clicking on the link below, you wont be sorry you did. I can't wait to share my creations with you. Until next time, I wish you peace, love and light always. Christina

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Christina Norris - Younique - Uplift. Empower. Motivate.

JOIN MY TEAM AND RECIEVE 3 FREE LIP GLOSSES OF YOUR CHOICE https://www.youniqueproducts.com/christinanorris/business/presenterinfo

Christina Norris - Younique - Uplift. Empower. Motivate.

Monday, March 10, 2014

My first Creative Goddess Masterpiece

                I am involved in a wonderful course through The Amazing Biz and Life Academy by Leonie Dawson. I love to paint. Although I am just starting out and it probably looks like a 3rd grader's work I thoroughly enjoy creating beautiful artwork and I am committed to constant improvement in this area. I want to explore more of the right side of my brain. I began my first year of College in 1990 and graduated in 1994 with an Associates Degree in Applied Science in the field of Radiologic Technology at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. I was also cross trained in Mammography shortly after college. In 2003, I decided I was bored and needed a change. My brain was not being challenged anymore so I entered a program at Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin, Tennessee in the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography . I graduated as a Sonographer in 2004. I must say this field keeps me on my toes. It is very humbling and I am constantly learning and growing to this day.I don't care how long you have been doing Ultrasound , the learning never stops. Just when I think I know it all, something comes up that I have never seen before and I am in my 10th year of just Ultrasound alone. So my mind never becomes stagnant. I'm always stimulated in this area. Well I have wore my intellectual side of my brain out and I am in need of some right brain stimulation. I am exploring my creative side now. Trying to learn new ways to broaden my right brain horizons . I am loving every minute of it. I want to make everything around me beautiful and that will be my life. Have a most wonderful week and I Look forward to sharing more as I grow. Christina